Thursday, October 24, 2013

# 1 Membuat Frame Foto / How to make a photo frame

Pasti akan sangat menyenangkan jika kita bisa membuat frame foto sendiri seperti gambar diatas. Selain lebih murah, juga bisa jadi sangat kreatif dan tentu saja menyenangkan. Saya ingin berbagi sedikit pengetahuan saya tentang cara membuat frame foto ini sebagai berikut:


1. Karton board tebal sebagai bingkai depan dan karton board tipis sebagai bingkai belakang
2. Kertas hvs 80 gr warna warni
3. Kertas motif
4. Pita
5. Busa pelapis (bisa anda peroleh di toko craft atau toko alat jahit)


1. Penggaris
2. Pensil atau pulpen
3. Lem putih
4. Cutter
5. Gunting

Cara membuat:

1. Potong kertas karton tebal dan tipis ukuran 10,5 cm x 10,5 cm ( atau buat ukuran sesuai kebutuhan anda)

2. Buat lubang dibagian tengah pada karton tebal bingkai depan dengan 4,5x 4,5 cm atau diukur dari tepi kanan, kiri, atas, bawah selebar 2,5cm dan  jangan dibuang hasil potongannya. Atau jika anda menginginkan bagian  tepi dari frame anda lebih lebar anda bisa mengukurnya lebih dari 2,5 cm  tapi harus disesuaikan dengan ukuran frame foto secara keseluruhan.

3. Bagian lubang bingkai depan yang tidak dibuang tadi diukur selebar 2,5cm kemudian dipotong.

4. Rekatkan potongan-potongan di no.3 tadi pada bingkai dagian depan pada sisi kanan, kiri dan bawah. Bagian atas biarkan saja TIDAK ditempel potongan karton board.

5. Potong busa pelapis dengan ukuran 2,5 cm x 10,5 cm sebanyak 2 buah dan 2,5 cm x 4,5 cm sebanyak 1 buah. Lalu rekatkan pada sisi lain dari karton board bingkai depan yang TIDAK ditempeli potongan-potongan karton board dari no. 3

6. Ambil potongan karton board tebal dari no. 2 dan letakkan diatas kertas motif.
7. Buat potongan-potongan seperti gambar berikut dan tarik potongan kertas motif tersebut untuk membungkus bingkai depan.

8. Hasilnya sebagai berikut

9. Ambil karton board tipis sebagai bingkai belakang dan letakkan diatas kertas hvs warna buat kelebihan ukuran kurang lebih 1,5 ~ 2 cm dari tepi kanan, kiri, atas dan bawah kemudian rekatkan. Buat potongan kertas hvswarna ukuran 10,5 cm x 10,5 cm lalu rekatkan pada kertas karton tipis tadi.

10. Potong pita ukuran 4 cm sebanyak 2 buah dan 15 cm sebanyak 1 buah
11. Rekatkan pita ukuran 4 cm pada bagian belakang bingkai depan sebelah kanan dan kiri sebagai sambungan dengan bingkai yang kedua. Dan rekatkan pita ukuran 15 cm di bagian atas pada bingkai pertama.

12. Kemudian tutup bingkai depan dengan bingkai belakang di bagian kanan, kiri dan bawah. Untuk bagian atas jangan di rekatkan karena sebagai tempat masuknya foto.

13. Tambahkan beberapa hiasan untuk mempercantik foto frame anda.
Selamat mencoba dan jangan sungkan untuk bertanya dengan meninggalkan komentar anda :-)...

Thursday, May 9, 2013


Today I'd like to share my new card creation for joining at
1. Challenge 227 - Flower Power at and
2. CMC#20 Flower Power at

As usual I use my own handmade flowers for the embellishment, some punch paper, plastic ribbon, a image caracter that I've got from internet and colored it with some copic markers and lyra's also I use a Bearly Mine design paper for may freebies for my background. You can also downlod it in this link here.
Thanks for stopping by and hope you enjoy it.... :-)

Friday, May 3, 2013

CMC # 19 Photo Inspiration and #84 Anything Goes Challenge

Here I'd like to share my new creation for joining CMC #19 Photo Inspiration at
and #84 Anything Goes Challenge at
My card creation was inspired by the following photo in color.

On my creation I use tilda image, some embellishments, some handmade flowers that I've made my selft, rinestones & halfpearls.
Thank you for stopping by here... hope you like it :-)

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Sunday Morning : Birthday Candy

Follow and join the birthday candy on

Using kraft, buttons and bows challenge

Hi everyone......
Today I'd like to share my creation for joining on:

1. Challenges #219 Using Kraft at, and
2. Challenge 226 - Buttons and Bows at
I use a kraft paper of course, origami's motif paper and a paper from echo park for the background. And a little buttons, bows for the embellishment, a stamp out and diecut out.

For the kraft paper I've punched it using punch paper tool to make three patterns on it.
I hope you like my new creation there. Enjoy it....

Friday, April 26, 2013

Challenge #218 'Stitching' and Lace and pearl challenge

I'd like to share my new card creation today for joining on :
1. Challenge #218 'Stitching' at
2. Lace and pearl challenge at

I use tilda image, a few of white lace & red flanel, handmade flowers that I've made myselft and some pearls. Also use a motif origami paper for the background. I also added some stitches on my red flanel there.
I hope you like my creation there so enjoy it....

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Animal Challenge

My card creation for

Animal Challenge on

I use a picture from room decoration's sticker, a motif origami paper for the background, some handmade flowers & leaves that I had made them by myselft and ribbon.


CMC # 17 Sketch

This card was uploded on my facebook before, because I haven't this blog yet, to joining on CMC #17 Sketch on It is my first card on that challenge and get a "Card Mania Honorable Mention" title there.

Friday, April 12, 2013

No more than one layer

Today I uploded my another creation for birthday card to joining Challenge #216 'CAS' (no more than one layer) at
I use birthday cake stamp and some sentiment stamps for the word Happy Birtday and It's your day. I also use few embellishments to make my card more beutifful :-). Enjoy it...

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Birthday Card

Hi again....
I have done with this birthday card to be joining on:
1. Challenge 223 Birthday on
2. CMC #18 Punches and/or DieCuts / Пънчове или шаблони on
I used some punches for my flowers, leaves,butterflies. And also border punch. Some emboss paper for the background and kraft paper too. Hope you like it :-)

Monday, April 8, 2013

Anything but square

Today I had uploded my new creation card for joining milk coffee challenge at Anything but square. I use tilda image on it and some embellishments that I had made them by myselft using punch paper tools, the clock shape that I've got it from my friend, a doily paper, and small ribbon. I also use some motif origami's paper that I've got it from local book store here in my place, for the background. So enjoy it and wish me luck for the challenge....